about me

My first Golden Retriever “Frida” (Bertha of Woodhill) was born in 1983. She was from the late Kirsti Wuorimaa, kennel Of Woodhill. 

In 1986 I got my 2nd golden, “Jenny” (Karvin Qudina Star), Jenny was the foundation bitch of my kennel Joystep’s. Jenny did very well in the shows and I was totally hooked in showing dogs. 

I got my kennel name Joystep’s in 1986. 
My first litter was born 1990, Joystep’s J-litter (Lislone Korona x Karvin Qudina Star) 

Since 1990 I have bred 29 Joystep’s litters. 

I have been awarded The Vuolasvirta award from The Finnish Kennel Club. This award is the highest merit a breeder can get from The Finnish Kennel Club. 

I breed on a small scale so I only have litters once in a while. All my litters are very carefully considered.

My goal is to breed sound, healthy & happy Goldens.